VisualXP v1.1.9b1 Work in Progress Fighting the Atmosphere!!

We SimAdditions Fighting the Atmosphere!!

Such a complex work especially for X-Plane, we are fighting the atmosphere by making too many calculations based on weather situations along with the environments of X-Plane, each calculation needs a test on every weather situation, we succeed and sometimes we fail visually.

Real Atmosphere is the most eye candy for all of us, and We need to make a similar Atmosphere for X-Plane,  and this is a complicated thing on our plugin, let’s hope we have done this before June

The great news is that we are almost done with the clouds’ work and here is a screenshot for it.

Articles: 28


  1. Please work for 12.1 because I cannot use it, many problems and especially the Toliss, when you are flying for a while the screens turn white and you cannot continue flying, this has already happened with the Xenviro ones.

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