
Released 26-Sep-2023 Patch Released 27-Oct-2023

Compatible with X-Plane 12.07r1 and X-Plane 12.08rc1



*Patch Released 27-Oct-2023 fixes the NOAA APIs for Live Weather | Weather Search, and includes the Connection copy in the Normal Copy.

As many users confirmed that this “Connection Copy” worked for them we recommend you download it instead of the Normal copy

Have an Issue with Connection? 

We have made extra copies for those who have issues with connecting to our server only, please check and help us by sending us a confirmation that it worked for you to











You don’t need to install any of the following files if the plugin has run successfully for you, The plugin debugger can be enabled from within the About icon which is located left of the close button of the interface.

These debuggers are for those who have Crash To Desktop only while loading X-Plane, and they have uninstalled the old version completely before using the new version.

-Copy VisualXP folder to ..\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins and overwrite/replace any existing folder

Run x-plane and then after CTD the plugin will export three files, Send us all files from the plugin folder along with the X-Plane log file,
These files are:
-Log file of X-Plane






VisualXP1.1.8 Released 1 VisualXP1.1.8 Lights VisualXP1.1.8 Timeout VisualXP1.1.8 Export LiveWeather Data


Release Notes

v1.1.8 26-Sep-2023

  • LiveWeather, sometimes blank interface, Solved! (Please check and confirm)
  • LiveWeather, wrong Cloud altitudes, wrong pressure, background glitches, Clouds types glitch, Solved! (Please check and confirm)
  • LiveWeather, adding a new function for Ultimate Edition only, Export Live Weather Data to an external text file.
  • Atmosphere, background functions glitches, Solved!
  • Lights, Improvements in sizes and strength.
  • Lights, Big lights in the daytime, Solved!
  • About Tab, adding Timeout selector, to avoid connection or download weather timeout.
  • Lights Installer, adding a safety checker, to prevent the installer from deleting the X-Plane lights file by mistake when the user has moved the VisualXP lights file out of the VisualXP folder.
  • Lights Installer, adding X-Plane version checker, once X-Plane is updated, the installer will install the lights again automatically.
  • All Manual sliders keep resetting their functions after restarting X-Plane, Solved!
    Performance improvement. 


Released 19-Sep-2023

Compatible with X-Plane 12.06b6 – 12.07r1









You don’t need to install any of the following files if the plugin has run successfully for you, The plugin debugger can be enabled from within the About icon which is located left of the close button of the interface.

These debuggers are for those who have Crash To Desktop only while loading X-Plane, and they have uninstalled the old version completely before using the new version.

-Copy VisualXP folder to ..\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins and overwrite/replace any existing folder

Run x-plane and then after CTD the plugin will export three files, Send us all files from the plugin folder along with the X-Plane log file,
These files are:
-Log file of X-Plane








Release Notes

v1.1.8b5 (BETA) 19-Sep-2023 **Attention No need to delete the old version.

  • 4K Monitors Interface not centered, or wrong sized Solved!
  • Need to delete the old version on each update has been Canceled, no need to delete old version anymore. (You will not lose your settings anymore).
  • Minor improvement on the Lights file installer.
  • Minor improvement on the Lights size.


Released 16-Sep-2023

Compatible with X-Plane 12.06b6 – 12.06r3









You don’t need to install any of the following files if the plugin has run successfully for you, The plugin debugger can be enabled from within the About icon which is located left of the close button of the interface.

These debuggers are for those who have Crash To Desktop only while loading X-Plane, and they have uninstalled the old version completely before using the new version.

-Copy VisualXP folder to ..\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins and overwrite/replace any existing folder

Run x-plane and then after CTD the plugin will export three files, Send us all files from the plugin folder along with the X-Plane log file,
These files are:
-Log file of X-Plane








Release Notes

v1.1.8b4 (BETA) 16-Sep-2023 **Attention Please delete the old version completely before installing this version.

  • Remaining Multi-Screen CTD. solved! (Please check and confirm)
  • Receiving Data from the server, added two connection methods, if the First method fails, the Second should not fail, if it does, then there may be a firewall issue on your PC.
  • Replacing the Lights file validator with Auto Installer, the Lights file will be installed automatically and no need to restart X-Plane, if the Auto Installer fails, the user can install the Lights file manually.
  • The manual Lights Sliders disappeared on the previous version, sliders have been restored!
  • Minor increase on the limits of Lights Fog sliders. 


Released 14-Sep-2023

Compatible with X-Plane 12.06b6 – 12.06r3









You don’t need to install any of the following files if the plugin has run successfully for you, The plugin debugger can be enabled from within the About icon which is located left of the close button of the interface.

These debuggers are for those who have Crash To Desktop only while loading X-Plane, and they have uninstalled the old version completely before using the new version.

-Copy VisualXP folder to ..\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins and overwrite/replace any existing folder

Run x-plane and then after CTD the plugin will export three files, Send us all files from the plugin folder along with the X-Plane log file,
These files are:
-Log file of X-Plane






Not Available!


Release Notes

v1.1.8b3 (BETA) 14-Sep-2023 *HOT FIX**Attention Please delete the old version completely before installing this version.

  • Adding a new slider “Lights_Visibility_Distance” to control the Lights distance range.
  • Moving the new function from v1.1.8b2 “Increasing Lights visibility rang in the background” to the “Lights_Visibility_Distance” slider which is now in the Lights Fog group.
  • The wrong interface width size from v1.1.8b2 was solved! 
  • CTD because of trying to write to not supported datarefs from v1.1.8b2 was solved! (Please check and confirm)
  • v1.1.8b2 code cleanup and performance.



Released 02-Sep-2023

Compatible with X-Plane 12.06b6 – 12.06r3









You don’t need to install any of the following files if the plugin has run successfully for you, The plugin debugger can be enabled from within the About icon which is located left of the close button of the interface.

These debuggers are for those who have Crash To Desktop only while loading X-Plane, and they have uninstalled the old version completely before using the new version.

-Copy VisualXP folder to ..\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins and overwrite/replace any existing folder

Run x-plane and then after CTD the plugin will export three files, Send us all files from the plugin folder along with the X-Plane log file,
These files are:
-Log file of X-Plane






VisualXP1.1.71 1 VisualXP1.1.72 VisualXP1.1.73 VisualXP1.1.74


Release Notes

v1.1.7  02-Sep-2023 **Attention Please delete the old version completely before installing this version.

  • Completely new Live Weather system.
  • Adding smoothing transition to the new LiveWeather System try to select Apply in 10 minutes, make a flight, and check.
  • New clouds system.
  • Improved Atmosphere system and all Atmosphere sliders. 
  • Adding both imperial and metric unit measurements into the interface.
  • Improving interface design.
  • Writing full plugin code of more than 50,000 lines to avoid any misunderstood issues.
  • New Debugger system.
  • Each function can be fully terminated separately now.
  • Adding switches for all tables, you can terminate the whole functions on each tab.
  • A new slider “Sunset Color Strength” controls the atmosphere coloring during sunset.
  • We have replaced the old 4 Ozone colors with 7 new Ozone colors.
  • Replacing “Near Clouds Enhancement” with new “Extrem Clouds Enhancement (BETA)” .
  • Improve “Enhancing Weather” and add the “Force Clouds Type (BETA)” function.
  • A new slider “Shadow On Ground Quality” to control the quality and smoothing of clouds shadows on the ground.
  • A new slider “SunLight Spot on Clouds Strength”.
  • A new slider “Cirrus Clouds Formation”. 
  • Adding Custom Clouds Presets “Cumulonimbus”, “ToweringCumulus”, and “Cumulus”  on the LiveWeather Tab works when Live Weather is Off try it out.
  • Adding time to the interface.
  • The Plugin can now present the knowing Clouds types  (Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Stratus, Stratocumulus, Altocumulus, Altostratus, Nimbostratus, Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, and Cirrostratus) when available, check the briefing Tab.
  • Improvement in compatibility with other weather sources such as Active Sky and X-Plaen Default Weather, in case the user won’t use VisualXP Live Weather.
  • Improvement on all background processes. 
  • Improvement on our server to avoid blocking issues for some users and other stuff.
