Best X-Plane 12 Weather Plugins
As an X-Plane 12 user, you may be looking for the available best X-Plane 12 Weather Plugins, and we SimAdditions have made a list for you
1. VisualXP

A new X-Plane 12 Weather plugin, the VisualXP is the newest and the best plugin available at the moment regarding its features and variation in prices, it has real live weather resources.
Such as visibility, temperature, dewpoint, wind directions, wind aloft, wind gusts, clouds conditions, rain precipitation, snow precipitation thunderstorms, and all kind of weather conditions, these weather conditions are applied to X-Plane instantly or as the user preferences.
VisualXP Live Weather Sources are NOAA and Satellite, which means wherever you fly you will find real weather even if there are no reported METAR.
Talking about no reported METAR no worries, VisualXP has its own METAR builder for you, it will get the weather from a satellite and then generate a METAR for the current area automatically, and this METAR will be showing on the Plugin interface.
The plugin has a user interface that shows all the weather briefings in a very modern and easy way, The Interface has multiple weather tabs.
Live Weather tab which gives the user the ability to turn on the live weather with the live weather briefing, the Weather Search tab to search for multiple airports’ weather conditions, and Weather Briefing to show the weather briefing for the current location while flying, it shows the weather briefings even if VisualXP Live Weather is off while the user uses another weather plugin, as this is one of the features of VisualXP that allow the user to use any external weather plugin while using the other features of VisualXP.
VisualXP can also enhance the visuals in X-Plane 12, it enhances the Sky (Atmosphere), X-Plane 12 Volumetric Clouds, Water, and Lights in the best and real-life looking way with the ability to control these enhancements via the other user interface tabs, VisualXP has three Levels, each level has its own price, the prices of the VisualXP are the lowest in the market depending all features it has starting from 9.99 to 25.97 USD depending on the plugin level. VisualXP review and more info Here
2. xEnviro

xEnviro is one of the best plugins available for X-Plane. It functions as a one-size-fits-all environment utility: offering weather, sounds, and lighting. Designed by simmers for simmers, and constantly updated to make your flying closer to reality.
X-Plane has always been the forward-thinking Flight Simulator, bringing professional-grade physics and graphics to our computers, but one thing that has been neglected is weather simulation.
With xEnviro, we’re bringing the ultimate weather simulation to X-Plane. Following industry-standard sky modelling, physics-based cloud visualisation, and unprecedented weather and time-dependent changes in atmospheric lighting – ambient and direct – be immersed in a world where the line between simulation and reality is blurred.
xEnviro at its core is about clouds. Dynamically generated, unlimitedly varied cloud formations which can be adjusted by flexible and customizable settings for cloud density and range. New high quality and dynamic cloud shading with light reflections on cloud surfaces from urban lights at variable intensities. And if you like cloudsurfing, xEnviro brings true volumetric clouds.
With xEnviro, you’ll have real-time weather seamlessly simulated in X-Plane. Real-time meteorological data with an adjustable, smooth refresh interval, the price of xEnviro is 69.69 USD more info Here
3. ActiveSky

The next installment in the Active Sky series, Active Sky XP 12 brings extensive integration with the new X-Plane 12 platform and it’s new weather system.
Not a “replacement” to the internal weather system of XP12, ASXP12 is an Enhancement that adds an improved weather experience, from planning, weather data access and interaction, weather control, to advanced depiction, and much, much more.
Over 20 years in the making, Active Sky brings a specialized online weather network that aggregates many weather data sources including surface and model data, and synthesizes and curates it into the most accurate and realistic weather scene possible for your simulated flights.
As always, Active Sky provides Live, historical, and customized weather options, with historical playback capability, provide the weather exactly as you want it, when you want it.
ASXP12 is currently in BETA, for more info Here